3 Tips To Keep Your Outdoor Fountain Running As It Should

If you have an outdoor fountain, you are undoubtedly a fan of its soothing sounds and calming appearance. Unfortunately, without regular and appropriate maintenance, it can become discolored, moldy or develop an uneven water flow. Therefore, it is important to know how to take care of it.

#1-Avoid Mineral Buildup 

Mineral buildup is a common problem for any type of water fountain. The good news is that you have several options that can prevent or minimize the problem. First, you can use distilled water to minimize the formation of the buildup. Since it has frequently has fewer minerals than untreated water, it is often less likely to clog or stain the pump and the bowl of the fountain.

If the problem is already there, you can use hot water, soap and a clean scrubbing sponge to clean the interior of the fountain. If you still notice any stains or buildup, you can use a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water to remove them.

Finally, a few drops of bleach in a fountain filled with clean water is also a great way to restore the fountain to its previous beauty.  For severely stained fountains, you may need to scrub repeatedly to fix the problem or try more than one of the above ideas.

#2-Remove Obstructions Whenever You See Or Hear Them 

It is easy to not notice small problems with outdoor fountains because you see and hear it so frequently. As a result, one of the best things you can do for your fountain is to keep it free of leaves, dirt and debris. That allows you to observe it while it is in use and small problems are easier to detect.

For instance, you are more likely to notice a problem with the pump when leaves are not covering the bottom of the fountain where the water lands. In addition, low water flow could be a clogged hose or an issue with the water supply. To diagnose the problem, you can unclasp the hoses, clean them with a soft toothbrush and sprayed water, then turn the water on before you re-attach them. The problem is often simple to detect.

#3-Use A Hose Whenever Possible To Rinse Or Clean The Fountain

A common concern of many people is that the water pressure from a hose would be a problem while cleaning the fountain. The truth is that the intensity of the water can not only dislodge stubborn stains and clogs, but it allows you to concentrate on trouble areas for longer periods of time. 

It is also important to note that hot water is recommended for cleaning your fountain. Since most homes lack outdoor spigots that connect to the hot water heater, you may want to consider buying an attachment that allows hoses to use kitchen or bathroom sinks. They connect to the faucet, provide your fountain with the hot water it needs to be truly clean and are available at many hardware stores.

In conclusion, outdoor fountains are an ideal way to accessorize and decorate your home. By knowing how to take care of your fountain, it can provide you and your family with hours of relaxation and enjoyment for many years.    


About Me

Teaching Your Kids a Good Work Ethic

My husband and I have been happily married for the past ten years. Although we’ve enjoyed our time alone together, we are finally ready to start a family. I think my parents are even more ready for my husband and me to have children than we are. They live in a sprawling farmhouse in the rural, southern United States. Every spring, my parents plant a large vegetable garden. Some of their favorite vegetables to grow include squash, cucumbers, peas, okra, and green beans. They can’t wait to teach their grandchildren how to become expert gardeners. They believe teaching their grandkids to garden will help them develop good work ethics. On this blog, you will discover the most kid friendly garden equipment on the market today. Enjoy!